Your name
First Name
Last Name
Your child's name
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
How did you hear about us?
Which journey are you interested in?
Samoa & Fiji x Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York
Zimbabwe x WeCareSolar
Briefly describe why you are interested in this unique travel experience and how it aligns with your personal values.
Please select the outcomes that matter most for our trip. You can choose multiple options, but prioritize those most important to you.
Establishing a stronger, closer bond with my daughter
Having had unique cultural experiences
Exciting, nature based adventure
Having gained a deeper understanding for philanthropy
Empowering my child to see themself as a leader and a change agent
Intimately get to know the nonprofit partner and discover a cause I connect with
Establish new community of like minded mothers and their families
List some activities or interests that you and your child enjoy together.
How do you envision this experience contributing to your child's education and global awareness?
How would you like for this trip to enhance your child’s leadership abilities?
Share any previous travel experiences that involved cultural immersion or engagement with social causes.
What statement best describes your family as it relates to philanthropy?
Please select all that apply
I play an active leadership role in our family foundation and am a decision maker when it comes to identifying and making grants
We have a family foundation, in which I play a passive role or we make group decisions on grant making as a family
I work, or have worked with a philanthropic advisor
I have taken a philanthropy or impact related course or certification
I do not have a family foundation, but we make philanthropic giving a priority in our family and have set aside a budget to do so
My daughter (and/or other children) participate in our philanthropic activity in one way or another (please explain)
Our family does not have a set giving budget, but we give to causes that align with our values when we encounter opportunities that speak to us
Our giving is primarily relationship based or in response to direct solicitations
We have not participated in philanthropic giving as much as we'd like, but we have the resources and the desires to do so
Collaborative impact and learning are crucial to the AtlasDaughter's experience. Are you part of any other impact-driven funder communities or hold board positions? If not, please specify.
Please list your top 3 philanthropic causes or organizations.
Describe a cause or social issue that deeply moves you. Why does it resonate with you, and how have you been involved or wish to be involved?
Can you share a story about a past philanthropic effort that was particularly meaningful to you? What motivated your involvement?
Can you share a moment or experience that significantly shaped your values and perspectives on giving back?
Which educational aspects of philanthropy are you most eager to explore?
Anything else you would like to share? We welcome your feedback, questions, and insights!
Terms & Conditions
I have read & accept AtlasDaughters Terms & Conditions
I have read & accept Neverseen Terms & Conditions